Showbiz News

[WATCH] Harry Styles Hints That He Is Bisexual In New Interview

November 7, 2014 Showbiz News

Harry has caused a stir by saying the ‘perfect girl’ doesn’t HAVE to be female, ooer?

*Okay, okay, ‘most of’ the evidence.

Before we get started, let’s just put out there that Harry Styles is a God among humans, and although we would be a little sad if any hope that we had of marrying him was well and truly dashed, we would fully support/ love/ cherish and worship him whether he was gay, straight, bisexual, asexual, or any other type of sexual that you can think of.

Same goes for Louis Tomlinson. And pretty much anyone else ever because, y’know, it’s not really anything to do with us.

SO CUTE. Copyright

However, following a new interview with Lucy Jones at ODE, we couldn’t help but scratch our imaginary beards and go ‘hmmm’ as the popstar appeared to announce that he might actually be interested in members of the same sex.

It all started when the journo asked Liam Payne and the curly-haired popstar what traits the duo looked for in a lady friend, Liam was quick to be Captain Obvious and quip: “Female, that’s a good trait.”

GOOD ONE, Liam. Copyright: [Tumblr]


Until Harry stole the limelight away from Liam’s little joke with the retort: “Not that important.”

Erm, wasn't expecting that
Erm, wasn’t expecting that?? Copyright: [Tumblr]

Complete with adorable little nose scrunch and a dismissive flick of the hand.

Needless to say, this has sent Directioners into an actual frenzy and we have been analyzing, studying, and staring at the video until our eyes went funny and our brains felt weird but we finally came to the conclusion that perhaps it was time to pay some MASSIVE attention to the biggest One Direction rumour of them all:


If you have been living under a stone for the past four years, ‘Larry’ would be the fandom belief that Harry is in fact in a long-term, top secret relationship with his bandmate, Louis Tomlinson.


Sound bizarre? Well, the ‘Larry Shippers’ are actually a group of incredibly observant One Direcion fans who have gathered enough gifs, videos, and interview quotes to have a pretty massive, eyebrow-raising box full of rather convincing ‘evidence’.

So, we thought that we would wade WAY back to the beginning of 2010, when One Direction were yet to be, and examine WHY so many fans are convinced that Harry and Louis are in love, and be warned – if you weren’t already a believer, you just might be by the end of this.

Reign it in, Harry.
Reign it in, Harry. Copyright: [Tumblr]

It all started when teenage Harry and Louis auditioned for The X Factor as solo artists. It will later emerge that the two had actually met before they were thrust into the biggest boyband on the planet, in the public toilets where allegedly their first words to eachother were ‘Hi’ and ‘Oops’.
Pay attention to that, it becomes relevant later.

Grooming. Copyright: [Tumblr]

Anyways, fans began to get suspicious from the moment that the five rejected solo boys were called back on stage by a Simon Cowell with dollar signs in his eyes and told that they had made the cut and would go through to the next stage of the competition as a brand new boyband.

Considering the boys apparently didn’t know eachother all that well at this stage, the fact that Louis literally jumped into Harry’s arms aroused suspicion…

BIT FRIENDLY?! Copyright: [Tumblr]
And can somebody give a hopping Niall Horan a cuddle, PLEASE?

The plot thickened when The X Factor live shows got underway, we were all treated to video diaries of 1D in the contestants house.

Ah, fond memories of those ‘bottom of the stairs’ vids – excuse us while we wipe a tear from our eye.


Here is where fans started to analyse Harry and Louis’ particularly close friendship, with there being no denying that whatever kind of love it was – bromance or romance – there was a heck of a lot of it.

We bet poor Zayn Malik, Liam, and Niall were feeling a little bit left out of this love-fest.

Copyright: [Tumblr]

You might also remember from the 1D X Factor days that there was a brief interlude where poor Louis had to leave the rest of the boys for some much-needed ‘TLC’.

Fairly innocent, right? Especially considering the fact that Harry remained with the other three boys.

That is until somebody dug out this little snippet of solid gold from a gossip magazine during the 2010 series of the show:

Hmm. Copyright: [Tumblr]
Bit odd?

Fast forward and the ‘Larry evidence’ is going into overload.

First of all, there’s the ‘Wellington Pub’ incident, where a fan shared footage that she had filmed of the two boys appearing to kiss in a grainy camera-phone video.

However, looking like something that may even have been captured on Zayn’s nokia, the footage is not clear enough to verify, no matter how hard we squint. Soz.

The early days were the best days for 'Larry'
The early days were the best days for ‘Larry’. Copyright: [Tumblr]

Then, on the very same day that Louis went public with who has turned out to be his long-term girlfriend, Eleanor Calder, Louis sent the fan-favourite tweet: “Always in my heart @Harry_Styles . Yours sincerely, Louis.”

The timing was just a little bit coincidental
The timing was just a little bit coincidental. Copyright: [Tumblr]
Needless to say, Larry shippers were quick to label the gorgeous Eleanor as a ‘beard’ – somebody who goes out with famous gay men in order to cover up their sexuality, and have even sent the poor girl hate as a result.

Erm, think what you want about Louis and Harry, but let’s keep this friendly – yeah??

And the fans aren’t throwing the ‘beard’ accusations around lightly, with Louis’ very own bandmates making comments that appear to allude to the possibility that his hetero romance isn’t quite what it seems with otherwise irrelevant ‘beard’ references being dropped into interviews left, right, and centre.


Copyright: [Tumblr]
And it isn’t just Louis who has found himself at the centre of beard chatter.

When interviewing fellow X Factor boyband, Union J, who have openly gay member Jaymi Hensley, a British journalist accused Taylor Swift of being a show girlfriend for Harry in this less-than-subtle discussion:


Jaymi’s face in the top right image says it all…

And let’s not even get started on the frosty relationship between Tay Tay and Louis…

… Actually, let’s.

(How can we not?)

Whilst nobody in the fandom was particularly thrilled when Haylor 2012-2013 kicked off, nobody was shipping Harry with the country star of the moment any less than Louis:


Say what you mean then, Louis… Copyright: [Tumblr]

Oh, and he follows that statement up with, “If that.”


Then his reaction to discovering that fans who were about to interview the band were listening to Tay Tay on their headphones:

His facial expression speaks volumes
His facial expression speaks volumes… Copyright: [Tumblr]

Wanna grip the arm of that chair any harder, Lou?

And never forget his incredibly blatant refusal to applaud Harry’s ‘ex-squeeze’ when she won a VMA:

Louis doesn't even TRY to disguise the fact he isn't clapping.
Louis doesn’t even TRY to disguise the fact he isn’t clapping. Copyright: [Tumblr]

Do we even need to mention the step by step breakdown of his reaction to our exclusive game, where the poor thing ended up being ‘papped snogging Taylor Swift’ in our fictional little world?

Something tells us that Louis was not happy with his fate...
Something tells us that Louis was not happy with his fate…

We get it Louis, you’re not a fan.

Next up, the Larry Shippers have clocked that it looks as though the boys don’t only get jealous of other girls fondling them, with ‘Jealous Louis’ and ‘Protective Harry’ almost becoming default pet names.

There’s that time Louis physically removed Zayn’s hand from Harry’s body:

Calm down, Louis.
Calm down, Louis. Copyright: [Tumblr]

And this CLASSIC moment of Harry being a lot less than subtle in showcasing his displeasure at a journalist affectionately touching Louis’ leg mid-interview:

Copyright: [Tumblr]
Pat pat, Louis’ leg, pat pat.

As well as being captured in the midst of jealousy and over-protectiveness (totes a word), the boys have also been caught gazing at one other with actual lust/ love in their eyes MULTIPLE times.

There was that one incident when Harry sat opposite Louis in just his underwear and Louis literally stopped in his track, froze, and stared whilst Harry just smirked to himself:

Harry sits down with a smirk on his face...
Harry sits down with a smirk on his face… Copyright: [Tumblr]
Louis literally freezes and STARES
Louis literally freezes and STARES. Copyright: [Tumblr]

That stares goes on for a good ten seconds.

Put your tongue back in your mouth please, Lou.

Then there was that time Harry appeared to be a little less than subtle when it was his turn to freeze on a spot and gaze at Louis, apart from this time it happened on stage.

Didn't anybody ever tell you that it's rude to stare, Harry
Didn’t anybody ever tell you that it’s rude to stare, Harry? Copyright: [Tumblr]

Finally, to showcase that any relationship that they haven’t isn’t entirely built on the two boys staring creepily at eachother, there are a COPIOUS amount of times where the boys not-so-secret smiles and -emoji-esque-heart-eyes have been noticed by the Directioners.

Such as this incident, where the interviewer asks the boys if they want to have kids and the two look at each other before smiling and gushing about how much the love little’uns:

THEY WANT BABIES. Copyright: [Tumblr]

BRB we’re going to photoshop what Louis and Harry’s kids would look like if that were a biological possibility…

And then this time they couldn’t even disguise their affection as they grinned at eachother across a television studio, with more love in their eyes than we could ever dream of:

OH HEY, CUTE SMILES. Copyright: [Tumblr]
Gah, they’re so cute we could cry.

Moving briskly on, as we could probably go on forever, we conclude with the most bizarre ‘coincidence’ of all – their MATCHING ‘couples’ tattoos.

Because who DOESN’T have multiple tattoos that match up with their platonic mate’s?

Remember how we said to remember the boy’s alleged first words to eachother because they become relevant later?
Well, this is that moment.

If you take the time to stare at Harry’s partially naked body (SIGH, IF WE *HAVE* TO), you will notice that at the top of his left arm, permenantly etched into his skin, is the word ‘Hi’, written in what appears to be Louis’ handwriting:

Oh ‘HI’ Louis’ handwriting on Harry’s arm. Copyright: [Tumblr]

Then if you take a gander at Louis’ arm, you will see the word ‘Oops’ tattooed there:


Just bros, casually tattooing the first words that they said to eachother onto their bodies.

No biggie.

Then, if we stare at Harry’s body even more, you will find a ship, anchor, and a heart (among a load of other ones).

If we stare at Louis’ body some more, we will find a compass for the ship, some rope for the anchor, and an arrow for the heart.

A compass for the ship
A compass for the ship… Copyright: [Tumblr]
An arrow for the heart...
An arrow for the heart… Copyright: [Tumblr]

The placement of the anchor and rope are particularly interesting, with very clever fans clocking that the break in the rope on the inside of Louis’ right wrist matches perfectly with the placement of Harry’s anchor on the outside of his left wrist.

If they hold hands the rope and anchor align...
If they hold hands the rope and anchor align… Copyright: [Tumblr]
Basically, if they hold hands, the anchor will be ‘held up’ by the breaks in the rope.

They’re a very analytical bunch, these Directioners.

And let’s not forget Harry’s chest butterfly and Louis’ collarbone ‘It is what it is’ quote:

Seemingly innocent...
Seemingly innocent… Copyright: [Tumblr]

Seemingly innocent on their own, but then this sketch of a ‘couple’s tattoo’ was dug out of a tattoo artist’s portfolio and eyebrows were raised:

This is an old image that resurfaced from a tattoo artist's site
This is an old image that resurfaced from a tattoo artist’s site. Copyright: [Tumblr]

We don’t know about you but we are bloomin’ exhausted after all of this detective work.

And that’s not even going into the chicken, wrapped in parma ham, with a side of homemade mash incident, or the fact that some people are ADAMANT that Harry sometimes changes his lines in ‘Little Things’ to ‘Lou’ and ‘his’ in live performances.

OR this pretty suspicious moment where Harry was caught asking a mystery person in the front row of one of their concert’s how he should interact with Louis in front of the fans, and the individual gesturing for Harry to go and shake his hand:

WHAT?? Copyright: [Tumblr]

We’ve also not had a chance to go near Harry’s cryptic tweets or the mysterious messages from both of their families in the early days.
But to be quite honest, there simply aren’t enough hours in the day.

And whether they’re secretly, truly, madly, deeply, in love with eachother or just the best of friends, you can’t deny that they are the most adorable twosome in showbiz.

N’Aw. Copyright: [Tumblr]

And if ‘Larry’ IS real, then they make a bloomin’ GORGEOUS couple.

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