
Nine food you had no idea were dangerous to your health

August 17, 2014 Health

Butter flavored popcorn

There is a chemical in butter flavored microwave popcorn that could put your health in considerable danger. Oh no.

Diacetyl, which is present in some butter flavorings, has been so harmful to factory workers, it’s even warranted it’s own disease classification — “popcorn lung.” In short, try just the salted kind.

Artificial sweeteners

Rather annoyingly, studies have actually shown that artificial sweeteners can be just as bad for your muffin top as regular refined sugar. Aspartame can increase your blood sugar level, leading to overeating. And there have even been rumors that it causes stomach ulcers in high concentrations.

White chocolate

We all know about dark chocolate right? Full of amazing goodies, like anti-oxidants. Well, don’t be fooled into thinking that white chocolate has any of these lovely qualities. It doesn’t. It is literally a weird mix of random things that taste sweet.

Pea shoots and sprouts

Uh oh. These little things look uber healthy, but pea shoots and sprouts have been the source of an incredible number of food recalls because they are really good at carrying foodborne illnesses.


Genetic manipulations have meant that the wheat that we now use to make bread is no longer anything like the wheat that our great-grandparents would have known. The newest types of wheat can cause all sorts of inflammatory diseases and allergies.


You’re probably not eating an abundance of swordfish as it is, but it is worth knowing that you should definitely avoid it when pregnant. Swordfish is high in heavy metals that can be harmful to children as they develop in the womb.


Corn kernels are basically little sponges for pesticides. In fact, some of them even produce their own pesticides within the actual plant. They are also of dubious nutritional value. 

Food dye

Food dyes have been linked to cancer in animals, so goodness only knows what they’re doing to our insides. The craze for rainbow cakes is more dangerous than we thought! 

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