HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helpers’

A textbook from Hong Kong which asks students to identify the race people belong to states that the correct answer for domestic helper is Filipino.

Hongwrong, a blog administered by British activist Tom Grundy, brought the textbook to public attention.  He took a photo of the page entitled “racial harmony.”

The textbook states that the correct answer for “I am a domestic helper in Hong Kong” is Filipino. Other “correct” examples of race association found in the textbook include: “I am an English teacher” (British), “I have a sushi restaurant” (Japanese), “Shanghai is my hometown” (Chinese), “I study in an international school” (Indian).

Grundy said that the page is going viral amongst parenting, Filipino and teacher forums online.

The Hongwrong blogger said the Asia-Pacific Human Rights Information Center in 1999 criticized the Hong Kong textbook publishers for perpetuating stereotypes.

“Multiculturalism is now studied at primary level in Hong Kong schools, yet an SCMP story this week revealed that ethnic minority children are being ‘belittled and stereotyped’ in Hong Kong schools,” Grundy said in his blog.

Several individuals denounced the textbook.

A certain randolfcedric01 said: “They got it all wrong!…They should have put: I am Chinese, I sell fake products.”

Another one said: Your slaves today can be your boss in the future. Be kind and be equalist.”

Josef Ramirez, a domestic helper in Hong Kong said: “I am the best in cleaning up their mess, wash their clothes to the cleanest possible. Clean their house to the cleanest possible. Cook the best/ most delicious dish/foods, and take good care of their babies like our own family just simply because: They Cannot Do IT without FILIPINOS.”

Grundy urged readers to call the attention of the Hong Kong government’s Equal Opportunities Commission at to raise the issue.

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