Rumor: Apple will release a new MacBook Air this week

Is it time for a new Air?

According to a report from the respected Apple watchers at 9to5Mac,Apple will unveil a new MacBook Air as soon as this Tuesday. 9to5Mac’s wunderkind reporter Mark Gurman published what is allegedly a leaked document showing the forthcoming MacBook Air’s new specifications. Per the document, the design and weight of the thin laptop are expected to stay the same, while the innards will include a faster processor.

If you’re thinking of purchasing a new MacBook Air, you want that faster processor. It’s reason enough to hold off on any MacBook Air purchase you were planning on making. Gurman’s report echoes a similar report from Apple site MacGeneration, which also indicated that a faster MacBook Air would be released this week.

The MacBook Air is Apple’s thin and lightweight laptop, first unveiled in 2008. Apple last updated the MacBook Air in mid-2013. There have been rumors that the next MacBook Air would arrive with a high-definition Retina display, though it does not appear that’s happening this week.

What do these whispers mean for you, dear computer shopper? Well, if you’re in the market for a shiny new MacBook Air, you should hold off. The timing is already right for the new Air: Apple typically updates its products about once every 12 months, and the last substantial MacBook Air update occurred in June 2013. Given Gurman’s impressive track record of predicting new Apple products, it’s likely that this Air refresher is happening.

If Apple doesn’t announce a new MacBook Air on Tuesday, you’ll want to wait until the end of the week to make sure the coast is clear. And if it doesn’t announce a new MacBook Air by Friday — well, Apple is holding an event in June, at which time the MacBook Air would be due for a refresh.

So if you want a new MacBook Air and your current computer can last a couple of months, my advice is to hang in there. We will likely get a new MacBook Air this week; and if not this week, then definitely within the next two months. If you can wait, you’ll likely be rewarded with a speedier machine.

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